Monthly Singalong

The next community sing/jam-along will be 6pm, Sunday, April 5  (2024). This will be the last one at Arlington 5 cafe in Ottawa, just off Bank St near the highway. (Arlington 5 is both the cafe’s name and address.) We’ll be discussing if it will continue elsewhere that very night.

This semi-secret hootenanny is informal and not performance-orientated or particularly artsy – we just sing and play songs together as a group. Bring an instrument or just your voice and enthusiasm. You don’t need to consider yourself a musician to come, just someone who enjoys music. We pick songs on the spot out of a songbooklet, which has familiar folk/rock/pop/country and friendly traditional folks songs. You’re also welcome to bring songs to share.

It’s “semi-secret,” in that we don’t talk about it on social media. And we pick which week of the month to do it with whoever shows up the month before. Usually it’s the first or second week and it’s always Sundays at 6pm at Arlington 5.

If you’re reading this, you’re now in on the secret – and officially invited to come!

We’ll post the date for the next hootenanny this very page and it’s also always on the posterboard inside Arlington 7.